NYCSBUS Board of Directors Meeting: 10/02/24


  1. Approval of minutes from July 9, 2024

  2. Presentation by NYCSBUS auditors

  3. Executive session to discuss personnel matters related to the audit

  4. Vote to accept NYCBUS’s audited financial statements

  5. Vote to accept the report from NYCSBUS’s auditors

  6. Adjournment

Meeting Minutes (draft)

(These are draft minutes of our meeting. We expect that the board will approve them at its next meeting in December 2024.)

The NYCSBUS Board of Directors met on October 2 at noon at NYC Public Schools' headquarters at 52 Chambers Street in New York City.

In attendance were Emma Vadehra (chair), Michael McClenathan, Heather Miller and PV Anantharam. Lori Podvesker was absent. NYCSBUUS CEO Matt Berlin and Budget Director Angelo Mayo, plus Steven Lee, the Audit Manager from CBIZ CPAs, the firm hired to audit NYCSBUS’s financial statements, were also present.

The chair called the meeting to order at 12:15pm and noted that a quorum was present.

The board reviewed the minutes from July 9 which were posted in draft on the NYCSBUS website soon after that meeting and circulated in advance of the October 2 meeting. Director Anantharam moved and Director McClenathan seconded a motion to approve the minutes, that motion passed unanimously.

The board's auditors from CBIZ CPAs then presented the financial statements for NYCSBUS for the year ended June 30, 2024. These statements, and the presentation, were distributed in advance of the meeting. After a public discussion of the financials the board went into executive session to speak privately with the auditors about elements of their review that might effect members of NYCBUS staff.

After their executive session the board reconvened publicly.

Director Anantharam moved and Director Miller seconded a motion to accept the financial statements. That motion passed unanimously.

Then Director Anantharam moved and Director McClenathan seconded a motion to accept the auditor’s report. That motion passed unanimously.

The board adjourned the meeting at 1pm.


Board Meeting 7/09/24