NYCSBUS Board of Directors Meeting: 9/29/22


  1. Call to Order

  2. Review the Corporation’s 2022 Financial Statements

  3. Adjournment

Meeting Minutes

The meeting took place at 22 Courtland Street in New York City. It began at 9:30 a.m.


  • Michael McClenathan, the designee of the Director of NYC’s Office of Management and Budget

  • PV Anantharam, board member (by phone, due to illness)

  • Benjamin Schanback, from the NYC Departmnet of Education

  • Matt Berlin, NYCSBUS CEO

  • Angelo Mayo, NYCSBUS Budget Director

  • Surjeet Seehra from NYCSBUS outsourced financial management firm, BTQ

  • Philip Marciano from auditor CBIZ Marks Paneth

  • Warren Ruppel from auditor CBIZ Marks Paneth

Member Neyda Velazquez and Russel Buckley were not present at the meeting. Due to a resignation from the board on September 21 the board only had four members at the time of this meeting. Those present acknowledged that the lack of a quorum meant that the board could not act at this meeting. But they believed that it was important to review the financial statements and meet privately with the auditors soon after those financial statements were prepared and before the financials were presented to the NYC Comptroller.

The corporation’s audited financial statements for the year ended June 30, 2022 were presented by the board’s auditors from CBIZ Marks Paneth. Participants in attendance were able to question the auditors and had the opportunity to speak with the auditors privately, without staff.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:30am.


Board Meeting 5/12/22


Board Meeting 6/27/23